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Discover the Entrepreneur in You

Teaching Business and Coding and Rotary Value to Refugee Summer School Students.


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Detailed description

Our Club partnered with the School of Opportunity. The School of Opportunity is a summer camp for Refugee students. P. Stacy and Rtn. Bernard volunteered teaching Business and Coding respectively to 12 students - 3 times a week, (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) 3 hours each session. This Vocational Service project was based on the TV show - Dragons Den. The goal was to show these refugee teenagers (age 11 - 15, from Nigeria, Rwanda, Israel, India) that there is kindness in business, that being an entrepreneur is about making profits but also contributing to the community. We arranged 2 of our Rotary Club members - PP Henry and PP Rudy. Both of whom grew up in public housing here in HK, grew up from low income families however put their heart and efforts to their lives and created amazing careers. It was very uplifting as these students have very little exposure to philanthrophic business men/Rotarians. Photos withheld for Security Purposes - requested by Refugees.


Community, Vocational, New Generations, Community economic development

Hong Kong

05 July 2017

16 August 2018

Miss Stacy Kristine Ho, Hong Kong Island East | contact




Project Funding


Community needs, project impact, and sustainability

Community assessment: How the project team learned about the community’s needs


Project impact: How the project will help the community after the project ends


Sustainability: How the benefits of the project will continue afterward



Engagement Tracker

Total volunteer hours
Number of volunteers
Total cash contributions
Total in-kind contributions