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Chiapas Austere Medicine Training Initiative

Vocational Training Team project to train partners in maternal health and disaster medicine

In Progress
Funded by Rotary Grant

Detailed description

The VTT provided intensive, practical austere medicine skills-training for local health care providers in the remote highlands of Chiapas, one of the poorest and most disaster-vulnerable regions in Mexico. Austere medicine is the practice of medicine in challenging, resource-constrained environments with minimal or no infrastructure, such as in remote or wilderness areas, in rural areas of developing countries, in war, or in the wake of widespread disaster or mass casualty events. The goal of the austere medicine training team is to 'train the trainers,' thus to improve the scope and efficacy of care provided to the indigenous population of the region in an ongoing manner Specialties to be addressed include rural obstetrics, austere emergency room skills, mass casualty and disaster medicine.


International, Maternal and child health


30 August 2015


Project Funding



Community needs, project impact, and sustainability

Community assessment: How the project team learned about the community’s needs


Project impact: How the project will help the community after the project ends


Sustainability: How the benefits of the project will continue afterward



  • Uploaded by
    PDG Tom L. Hardy
  • Uploaded by
    PDG Tom L. Hardy
  • Uploaded by
    PDG Tom L. Hardy
  • Uploaded by
    PDG Tom L. Hardy
  • Uploaded by
    PDG Tom L. Hardy
  • Uploaded by
    PDG Tom L. Hardy
  • Uploaded by
    PDG Tom L. Hardy
  • Uploaded by
    PDG Tom L. Hardy
  • Uploaded by
    PDG Tom L. Hardy

Engagement Tracker

Total volunteer hours
Number of volunteers
Total cash contributions
Total in-kind contributions