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Cancer Diagnostics @ Tata Memorial Cancer Hospital

Cancer Diagnostics @ Tata Memorial Cancer Hospital


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Detailed description

RCML was approached by Tata Memorial Cancer Hospital with an appeal to sponsor the diagnostic tests of the patients coming to the hospital, instead of subsidizing the treatments of people already diagnosed. This was because many NGOs, corporates and personal donors donate heavy amounts for the treatment of already diagnosed cases. But the doctors felt that many patients coming to the hospital do not even have enough finances for undergoing the initial investigations that are mandatory for the diagnosis and staging of the cancer. Providing diagnostic support on day 1 ensured that each and every patient coming to the hospital goes through the process of investigation quickly, which helped in proper diagnosis, and this in turn will helped in proper treatment planning. This is where RCML came in along This is where RCML came in along with Brothers International. After initial assessment by the social worker team in the department emergency grant was given, 35 patients benefitted


Disease prevention and treatment

Tata Memorial Hospital
Mumbai, MH

01 September 2021

20 June 2022

Nimish Agarwal, Mumbai Lakers | contact
Mrs Shraboni Thapar, Mumbai Lakers | contact




Project Funding

Mumbai Lakers, India (Rotary Club)

Community needs, project impact, and sustainability

Community assessment: How the project team learned about the community’s needs


Project impact: How the project will help the community after the project ends

This project allows for the investigations for cancer patients to be done without any delay. Otherwise non availability of fund to even do testing discourages many families coming from rural India and they refuse or abandon treatment. We are proud to report that till date we have been able to help with the diagnosis of 35 patients


Sustainability: How the benefits of the project will continue afterward



Engagement Tracker

Total volunteer hours
Number of volunteers
Total cash contributions
Total in-kind contributions