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Support for women and children

Project Summary: Support for abused women and children in minority groups through seminars, workshop

In Progress
Funded by Rotary Grant

Learn more about Rotary's areas of focus

Detailed description

Project Description: Abuse and isolation can lead to not only threats to the women’s physical safety but also psychological disorders. Similarly, children in immigrant families face different challenges at home and outside which may impact their mental health severely. Members of minority groups are the worst sufferers who cannot seek assistance due to hesitation and lack of finance. The objective of this project is to bring awareness among the women and young children who are potential targets of abuse and then to empower them. It will consist of lectures, workshops, therapy and individual discussion sessions. The total estimated budget is $4,000.00 to cover the costs of speakers, lecture materials, and technological logistics. The Club will raise a fund of $2,000.00 from its members and requests for a matching grant from the District.

Community, Basic education and literacy

Libraries Newyork
1886 Front St
East Meadow, NY, 11554
United States

13 August 2022


Dr. Nasrin Akter Khan, Blooming Rose | contact



Project Funding

District grant


Community needs, project impact, and sustainability

Community assessment: How the project team learned about the community’s needs

Project impact: How the project will help the community after the project ends

will continue to bring awareness and help building heathy relationship

Sustainability: How the benefits of the project will continue afterward


Engagement Tracker

Total volunteer hours
Number of volunteers
Total cash contributions
Total in-kind contributions