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Construction of Imelda Daycare Center

Construction of 1 School Bldg @ Brgy Imelda, Laak, Comval in Partnership wt RC Oxted & Limsfield,UK


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Detailed description

The Project project will be essentially aimed to construct classrooms damage by typhoon Pablo .The Rotarians took the initiative of identifying the school project. A courtesy call followed by a series of consultations with the Mayor, Brgy were done to finalize the identified areas of priority. After the Brgy Officials approved the project concept, This was followed by ocular inspection. A series of meeting with Rtns and Brgy Officials were made to lay down the project plan and implementation. Series of regular weekly inspection on site were made by Rtns to monitor the progress of the project until its completion. Strengthening the Rotary’s Public image through Community Service and projects was maximed through the live broadcasted radio interviews and publication in local newpapers. This was highlighted by the Rotarians endorsing the completed project to the community in the presence of Department of Education Officials, Barangay officials


Community, International, Basic education and literacy


03 June 2015

25 June 2016

Mr. Arnold Manaday Nicolas, Tagum North | contact




Project Funding


Community needs, project impact, and sustainability

Community assessment: How the project team learned about the community’s needs


Project impact: How the project will help the community after the project ends


Sustainability: How the benefits of the project will continue afterward



  • Uploaded by
    Mr. Arnold Manaday Nicolas
  • Uploaded by
    Mr. Arnold Manaday Nicolas
  • Uploaded by
    Mr. Arnold Manaday Nicolas
  • Uploaded by
    Mr. Arnold Manaday Nicolas
  • Uploaded by
    Mr. Arnold Manaday Nicolas
  • Uploaded by
    Mr. Arnold Manaday Nicolas
  • Uploaded by
    Mr. Arnold Manaday Nicolas
  • Uploaded by
    Mr. Arnold Manaday Nicolas
  • Uploaded by
    Mr. Arnold Manaday Nicolas
  • Uploaded by
    Mr. Arnold Manaday Nicolas
  • Uploaded by
    Mr. Arnold Manaday Nicolas
  • Uploaded by
    Mr. Arnold Manaday Nicolas

Engagement Tracker

Total volunteer hours
Number of volunteers
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