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Miguta Maternity Clinic

Renovating labour & maternity facility, upgrading sanitation services, health education,


Detailed description

The purpose of this project was to provide a labour/maternity ward at a local health dispensary, thereby increasing operating hours, and giving the local catchment area of 25,000 people access to health care 24 hours a day. The sanitation facilities were also upgraded. The local community initiated this project by contacting the Rotary Club of Nairobi-Industrial in District 9200, which then partnered with the Rotary Club of Squamish in District 5040. RC Nairobi-Industrial planned the project, oversaw the renovation, contributed thousands of dollars in cash and in-kind donations, and hosted Squamish Rotarians at the handing-over ceremony. RC Squamish contributed funds, publicized the project, and visited the completed project. They spent 3 additional days in the community to meet stakeholders and identify future projects. Grandmothers in Squamish knitted more than 900 small baby caps to give to all babies born at the Miguta clinic.


Maternal and child health


28 June 2011

28 June 2011

Mrs. Sheri Davis, | contact




Project Funding


Community needs, project impact, and sustainability

Community assessment: How the project team learned about the community’s needs


Project impact: How the project will help the community after the project ends


Sustainability: How the benefits of the project will continue afterward



  • Uploaded by
    Mrs. Sheri Davis
  • Uploaded by
    Mrs. Sheri Davis
  • Uploaded by
    Mrs. Sheri Davis
  • Uploaded by
    Mrs. Sheri Davis

Engagement Tracker

Total volunteer hours
Number of volunteers
Total cash contributions
Total in-kind contributions