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Joint house building with Habitat for Humanity

Rotarians from 5 clubs in T&T, one from California, USA and other groups assist Habitat for Humanity


Detailed description

this project involved the construction of a flat two bedroom house for a cancer-stricken mother of Chaguanas, Trinidad. There were 25-30 persons present and they all had different duties to perform. There was a Rotarian from Rotary Club of Ferndale, California, USA with her two daughters. There were also a number of high school students who worked and lived in California. In addition, there were representatives from Habitat for Humanity, Rotarians from other Rotary clubs and skilled workers. The structure of the house was completed, the roof was up, windows were installed and room division was taking place. As non-skilled workers we were involved in the outside removal of clumps of grass, landscaping, spreading wheelbarrows of sand and compact with hands, feet and wooden compactors. At the luncheon break there was the exchange of Rotary flags among the Rotary clubs. It was great fellowship while serious work was being done.


International, Maternal and child health

Trinidad and Tobago

21 July 2015

13 August 2015

Dr. Ronald Gobin, Princes Town | contact




Project Funding


Community needs, project impact, and sustainability

Community assessment: How the project team learned about the community’s needs


Project impact: How the project will help the community after the project ends


Sustainability: How the benefits of the project will continue afterward



  • Uploaded by
    Dr. Ronald Gobin
    Taking time off for a photo
  • Uploaded by
    Dr. Ronald Gobin
    The Habitat for Humanity banner
  • Uploaded by
    Dr. Ronald Gobin
  • Uploaded by
    Dr. Ronald Gobin
    Compacting sand on the outside
  • Uploaded by
    Dr. Ronald Gobin
    At work in the front of the house
  • Uploaded by
    Dr. Ronald Gobin
    Rotarians exchanging pin and flag
  • Uploaded by
    Dr. Ronald Gobin
    another pause for a photo
  • Uploaded by
    Dr. Ronald Gobin
    Rotarian hard at work
  • Uploaded by
    Dr. Ronald Gobin
    Placing the pin on the scarf of visiting Rotarian
  • Uploaded by
    Dr. Ronald Gobin
    Another photo break
  • Uploaded by
    Dr. Ronald Gobin
    A group shot with volunteers
  • Uploaded by
    Dr. Ronald Gobin
    Rotarian removing clumps of grass
  • Uploaded by
    Dr. Ronald Gobin
    Habitat for Humanity house being constructed
  • Uploaded by
    Dr. Ronald Gobin
    Task accomplished
  • Uploaded by
    Dr. Ronald Gobin
    Workers break in the shade
  • Uploaded by
    Dr. Ronald Gobin
    Other Rotarians transporting sand
  • Uploaded by
    Dr. Ronald Gobin
    Rotarian colleagues

Engagement Tracker

Total volunteer hours
Number of volunteers
Total cash contributions
Total in-kind contributions