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GyanJyot (flame of knowledge)- Baroda Sayajinagari

R I Significant Achievement Award winner continuous project in Literacy, easily replicable elsewhere

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프로젝트 상세 설명

In India, > 37% of population belongs to low and very low income families that fail to provide conducive environment for children to develop good reading habits. Neither their schools have good functional library nor can they afford to buy books. Good reading habit is very important for growth of an individual as well as of society. Gyan Jyot is a humble effort to cultivate the same in such deprived students. Through Gyan Jyot, these students get to read one book of their interest every week without any cost. We rotate books through unique distribution model to ensure that each deprived student gets to read new book every week. Teachers are encouraged to undertake various assessment activities based on students’ reading. We also organize competitive events in academic and non academic fields for these students. Low Cost - High Value: 1,000,000 unique readings in one cycle at cost of merely 3000 US$ (0.003 US$ per reading). In line with South Asia Literacy mission, easily replicable.







프로젝트 펀딩



지역사회 필요성 평가, 프로젝트 영향력 및 지속가능성

지역사회 필요성 평가: 프로젝트 팀이 지역사회가 필요로 하는 것을 어떻게 알게 되었는가


프로젝트 임팩트: 프로젝트가 종료된 후에도 어떻게 지역사회에 도움이 될 것인가


지속가능성: 프로젝트로 인한 혜택이 어떻게 유지될 수 있는가


프로젝트 이미지 및 동영상

참여 트랙커

자원봉사 시간
자원봉사자 수
현금 기부 총액
물품 기부 총액