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Matter of heart: BLS & Donation of a Defibrillator

Project promoted by Rotaract Putignano for learning BLS maneuvers & donation of defibrillator


Descrizione dettagliata

During this day of training, participants were able to learn bls-d (basic life support defibrillation: basic life support and use of the defibrillator) and unblocking the airways. "In Italy, cases of cardiac arrest amounted to about 60,000 each year. For the salvation of the person infected essential is the timing of the intervention. Hence the need for widespread distribution among the population of the culture of first aid in emergency situations and the implementation of projects to undertake rapid cardiopulmonary resuscitation and defibrillation early heart.". At the end of the course Rotaract Putignano donated a defibrillator semiautomatic to the City of Conversano. The valuable tool whose use in conjunction with a timely and proper intervention may be able to restore the heartbeat, will be kept at the Cathedral of Conversano and to be available than it will require the use and those who need it.


Prevenzione e cura delle malattie


13 aprile 2013

13 aprile 2013

Claudia Cosma, | Invia email




finanziamento progetti


Bisogni comunitari, impatto del progetto e sostenibilità

Valutazione comunitaria: In che modo la squadra del progetto ha saputo dei bisogni comunitari


Impatto del progetto: In che modo il progetto aiuterà la comunità dopo il completamento del progetto


Sostenibilità: In che modo i benefici del progetto continueranno



  • A cura di
    Claudia Cosma
  • A cura di
    Claudia Cosma
  • A cura di
    Claudia Cosma
  • A cura di
    Claudia Cosma


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