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Healthy Milk for Newborns

purchase of a bottle washer - sterilizer, for washing more than 1400 milk bottles per day, premature

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Descripción detallada

The National Maternal Perinatal Institute (INMP) has a Human Milk Bank, where breast milk is collected, processed and distributed in heat-resistant glass jars. After use, these jars are manually washed, dried and sterilized. This project proposes the purchase of a milk bottle washer-sterilizer, in order to guarantee that the 1,436 daily bottles with this food are provided to infants in good, safe and secure conditions. The Human Milk Bank service is provided to premature or lactating newborns (50 deliveries a day on average) whose mothers have contagious diseases or lack of milk. As well as babies in intensive care. It will also allow the relocation of technical auxiliary personnel who are currently manually washing jars in continuous 24-hour shifts.


En la comunidad, Profesional, Salud materno-infantil

Instituto Nacional Materno Perinatal
Jirón Miro Quesada 941, Cercado de Lima
Lima, Lima, 15001

Oct, 2021


Dr. Augusto Saavedra, Monterrico-Surco | contacto
Edith Lara-Trad, Monterrico-Surco | contacto




Financiamiento del proyecto

80000 USD

79000 USD

Monterrico-Surco, Lima, Peru (Rotary Club)

Necesidades de la comunidad, impacto y sosteniblidad del proyecto

Evaluación de las necesidades de la comunidad: Modo que utilizó el equipo del proyecto para identificar las necesidades de la comunidad.

While we were developing an aid project for the neonatal intensive care unit, in relation to multi-parameter monitors; the doctors of the neonatal unit showed us other needs in it. This Institute has a Milk Bank, where women from the community come to donate milk to support mothers who are postpartum, hospitalized or with complications that do not allow them to breastfeed. This Milk Bank has been in operation for several years; An average of more than 1,400 bottle bottles per day are still being washed by hand, to support newborns both in intensive care and in the hospitalization area whose mothers cannot yet breastfeed. Washing and sterilization is not entirely safe. They do have all the equipment for the conservation and processing of donated milk. The support that we can provide by being able to equip them with this automatic equipment will provide greater security in the quality of the milk to be administered to the babies.

Impacto del proyecto: Modo en que el proyecto ayudará a la comunidad una vez finalizado este.

The impact on the population of hospitalized babies will eventually be long-term, reducing infectious complications derived from the use of bottles with milk that are not necessarily adequately sterilized at present; reducing the morbidity of this age group; on the other hand, the Institute has the capacity to give sustainability to these equipments, in relation to maintenance and spare parts. The Institute undertakes to include in its annual budget the support of the equipment to keep it operational and to be able to provide the aforementioned service

Sostenibilidad: Modo en que se mantendrán los beneficios del proyecto una vez finalizado este.

The National Maternal Perinatal Institute has the capacity and resources to give sustainability to the equipment in question. They have a Medical Equipment Maintenance Unit. The personnel of medical equipment technicians is trained, in addition, the personnel of the Milk Bank Service will be trained in the correct use. If the purchase is achieved with a local distributor, it would also be ensuring the warranty of the equipment as well as the eventual need to change components due to wear.



  • Cargado por
    Dr. Augusto Saavedra
    Equipo propuesto
  • Cargado por
    Dr. Augusto Saavedra
  • Cargado por
    Dr. Augusto Saavedra
  • Cargado por
    Dr. Augusto Saavedra
  • Cargado por
    Dr. Augusto Saavedra
  • Cargado por
    Dr. Augusto Saavedra