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Ecological communal gardens in the communal kitchens of the district's Human Settlements.

Busca colaboradores para una subvención global

Descripción detallada

We will promote knowledge and practice regarding the production of various species of vegetables with agroecological direction. Training will be given to communal kitchens and families to encourage the correct diet of the population. The project also seeks to create a small company for the sale or product exchange of the surplus production of the organic garden.


En la comunidad, Medio ambiente

Human Settlements of the District of Chaclacayo
Chaclacayo, Lima

Ene, 2022

12 Months

Jesus Renato Ramirez Gamarra, La Esperanza de Chaclacayo | contacto
Srta Veronica Emperatriz Martínez Dawson, La Esperanza de Chaclacayo | contacto
Srta Mary Carmen Gonzales Zaldivar, | contacto
sra Yovana Angela Caceres Cordoba, La Esperanza de Chaclacayo | contacto
María Mercedes Huaccani Anco, La Esperanza de Chaclacayo | contacto
Vanessa Alicia Fiorentini Devoto, La Esperanza de Chaclacayo | contacto
Patricia Alicia Devoto Elías, La Esperanza de Chaclacayo | contacto
Srta Angela del Pilar Ramirez Cáceres, La Esperanza de Chaclacayo | contacto
Sara Ynes Sanchez Requejo, | contacto




Financiamiento del proyecto

40000 USD

39500 USD

La Esperanza de Chaclacayo, Lima, Peru (Rotary Club)

Necesidades de la comunidad, impacto y sosteniblidad del proyecto

Evaluación de las necesidades de la comunidad: Modo que utilizó el equipo del proyecto para identificar las necesidades de la comunidad.

Visits to the different communal kitchens of the district's Human Settlements. Interviews with the beneficiaries of the dining rooms to evaluate the correct feeding of these. Statistics obtained by the Chaclacayo Municipality on the incidence of anemia and other diseases in the neediest households.


Impacto del proyecto: Modo en que el proyecto ayudará a la comunidad una vez finalizado este.

We will achieve a better diet for the low-income inhabitants in the community, by achieving a self-generation of foods rich in nutrients for their consumption. The overall performance of the population will be improved by preventing the spread of infectious diseases and eradicating anemia in their homes.


Sostenibilidad: Modo en que se mantendrán los beneficios del proyecto una vez finalizado este.

The organic gardens will support the inhabitants to generate their own income through the sale or food exchange of the production, as well as improve their quality.
