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Leadership Development Program for Young Scholars

In partnership with ENF, this program will train a group of young scholars on leadership skills.


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Detailed description

In line with its commitment to empower youth and develop leading capacity-building programs, RCA CAPITAL partnered with the Elia Nuqul Foundation to deliver the RCA CAPITAL-ENF Leadership Program. The program seeks to develop and promote scholars’ professional and personal growth as well as strengthening their leadership skills to ensure that they become productive members of society and successful in their business life. The program is composed of several modules with three main full day sessions and follow up sessions over a period of six months. The 28 scholars that are benefiting from this program are all from the needy sectors of the society in Jordan.


Community, Vocational, New Generations, Basic education and literacy


05 June 2014

01 September 2015

Marwan Shafiq Hayek, | contact




Project Funding


Community needs, project impact, and sustainability

Community assessment: How the project team learned about the community’s needs


Project impact: How the project will help the community after the project ends


Sustainability: How the benefits of the project will continue afterward



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    Marwan Shafiq Hayek
  • Uploaded by
    Marwan Shafiq Hayek
  • Uploaded by
    Marwan Shafiq Hayek
  • Uploaded by
    Marwan Shafiq Hayek
  • Uploaded by
    Marwan Shafiq Hayek
  • Uploaded by
    Marwan Shafiq Hayek

Engagement Tracker

Total volunteer hours
Number of volunteers
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Total in-kind contributions