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Rotary Global Grant GG1423034

Preparation for Independent Living in Greece Community: centre of the protection of the children

Finanziert durch ein Rotary Grant

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Detaillierte Beschreibung

The first wave of young women in the programme have been given coaching and mentoring and training in “ life “ skills such as cooking , cleaning , household budgeting as well as continuing counselling and emotional support – all designed to help them become more ready for a life away from the Centre . In addition they have continued their formal education and as and when time allowed eg in their scholastic holidays they have been given the opportunity to undertake vocational training in areas such as beauty care and hotel reception work . The programme as designed is working well and is achieving its objectives .


Elementarbildung Lesen und Schreiben


01 Juli 2015

01 Juli 2018

Bob Lewis, Beograd-Metropolitan | Kontakt
Paschalia Soulidou, | Kontakt






Gemeindebedürfnisse, Projektwirkung und Nachhaltigkeit

Bedarfsanalyse im Gemeinwesen: Wie das Projektteam von den Bedürfnissen der Gemeinde erfuhr


Projektwirkung: Wie das Projekt der Gemeinde nach Beendigung des Projekts helfen wird


Nachhaltigkeit: Wie der Nutzen des Projekts auch nach dem Projekt bestehen bleibt



  • Hochgeladen durch
    Mr Michael Kenneth Wood
    The opening ceremony


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